
我如何閱讀 manual page?

     man - 以特定格式線上顯示 manual page
     man command name
     man 以特定格式線上顯示 manual page。
您可以使用鍵盤上的按鍵 (與 vi 使用相同的鍵) 來流覽 manual page。

"j" 向下鍵。
"k" 向上鍵。
"d" 下半頁鍵。
"u" 上半頁鍵。
"SPACE" 下一頁鍵。
"q" 離開鍵。
"h" 求助鍵。

$ man man ...I read the manual page on the "man" command...
MAN(1)                  FreeBSD General Commands Manual                 MAN(1)

     man - format and display the on-line manual pages

     man [-adfhktw] [-m system] [-p string] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list]
         [section] name ...

     Man formats and displays the on-line manual pages.  This version knows
     about the MANPATH and PAGER environment variables, so you can have your
     own set(s) of personal man pages and choose whatever program you like to
     display the formatted pages.  If section is specified, man only looks in
     that section of the manual.  You may also specify the order to search the
     sections for entries and which preprocessors to run on the source files
     via command line options or environment variables.  If enabled by the
     system administrator, formatted man pages will also be compressed with
     the `/usr/bin/gzip -c' command to save space.

     The options are as follows:
