

     rmuser - 從系統中移除使用者
     rmuser [-y] [username]
     If not running "affirmatively" (i.e., option -y is not specified),
     rmuser shows the selected user's password file entry and asks
     for confirmation that you wish to remove the user. If the user's home
     directory is owned by the user, rmuser asks whether you wish to
     remove the user's home directory and everything below.

     Available options:

     -y         Affirm - any question that would be asked is answered
     implicitly in the affirmative (i.e., yes). A username must also be
     specified on the command line if this option is used.

     [username] 確認要刪除的使用者;::dentifies the user to be removed; if not present, rmuser
     interactively asks for the user to be removed.
# rmuser elvis
Matching password entry:


Is this the entry you wish to remove? y
Remove user's home directory (/home/elvis)? y
Updating password file, updating databases, done.
Updating group file: (removing group chuck -- personal group is empty) done.
Removing user's home directory (/home/chuck): done.
Removing files belonging to chuck from /tmp: done.
Removing files belonging to chuck from /var/tmp: done.
Removing files belonging to chuck from /var/tmp/vi.recover: done.
# _
# rmuser -y elvis
Updating password file, updating databases, done.
Updating group file: (removing group elvis -- personal group is empty) done.
Removing user's home directory (/home/elvis): done.
Removing files belonging to elvis from /tmp: done.
Removing files belonging to elvis from /var/tmp: done.
Removing files belonging to elvis from /var/tmp/vi.recover: done.
# _